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30.06, special Y.E.S. event!!!

AN END IS A NEW BEGINNING an event by Werkstatt team, 30.06

 The Werkstatt project has existed for two and a half years already!
During this time, it has hosted numerous artists providing them with a space to rehearse, create, and exchange; continues weekly movement workshops exposing the diversity of the dance scene in Frankfurt; open studio formats Y.E.S and series of events and workshops initiated by the scene.

Our reside in the Danzig Am Platz has come to an end, and it is not yet clear how and where the project will continue. Nevertheless, we are not giving up! An end is a new beginning. Therefore we would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the project together, to hear about your experiences, wishes, and needs, and at the same time, think together about what that new beginning can look like and what strategies we can implement as a community. And also to celebrate what we have achieved. 

We invite you to join us on the 30th of June from 6 p.m.! 

June 29

Thursday workshop with Katja Cheraneva and Fabrice Mazliah, 29.06, 6:30 p.m.

October 10

10.10 Tuesday Workshop with Katja Cheraneva