Upcoming events.

17.10 Tuesday workshop with Laura Stellacci

17.10 Tuesday workshop with Laura Stellacci

Dis- Inter- Rupture

Let’s start with a question: Is it possible to interrupt yourself? 
In this class we will experiment with the principle of interruptions, disruptions and the general idea of ruptured movement in score-based improvisation sessions. 
The class will begin with a collective warm-up, followed by a durational improvisation session that will use language and music as prompts for the exploration.  

Laura Stellacci’s work examines everyday gestures and technologies of the body through movement and dance, textiles and sound. Often working collaboratively, Laura choreographs the practice of stitching, sewing and cutting to negotiate the bind between performance and community. She is currently enrolled in the international Master’s program in Choreography and Performance in Gießen, Germany. 

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10.10 Tuesday Workshop with Katja Cheraneva

10.10 Tuesday Workshop with Katja Cheraneva

Thursday Workshop with Katja Cheraneva, 10.10., 6:30 p.m.

In this workshop we will focus on listening (listening to the body, listening to the space, listening to other bodies in space). Through various improvisation tasks and scores we will practice how to direct and redirect our attention, tune in with other bodies and exercise active passivity.  

Katja Cheraneva is a freelance dancer and choreographer based between Berlin and Frankfurt. Her recent work explores notions of rehearsal/rehearsing, learning/unlearning, memory, and undoing. In the past, she has worked in close collaboration as a performer, co-creator, and choreographic consultant with choreographers such as Fabrice Mazliah, Lea Letzel, Francis Chiaverini, Janina Arendt, Ksenia Ravvina, as well as visual artists such as Anne Imhof(NATURE MORTE 2021, FAUST and FAUST JR. 2017, ANGST I, II 2016), Dudu Quintanilha, Gabriele Rendina Cattani, Dorota Gaweda and Egle Kulbokaite (BROOD). She has been a member of The Forsythe Company and a founder member of HOOD(Host Organisation fOr proDuction) that held an artistic fellowship at PACT Zollverein from 2017 - 2019.Together with Mazliah, she is currently managing a project space, Werkstatt, in Frankfurt. She was a stipend of #TakeCareResidency with her ongoing research Study on How Waters Move

**Costs? sliding scale from 5-15 euros
**When? Tuesday 10.10.23, 6:30-8 p.m. 
**Address? Seilerbahn Kunst Kultur e.v., Offenbacher Landstraße 190, 60599 Frankfurt am Main. Right next to the big hall, there is a small entrance on the left side. You will find the studio on the 1OG at the end of the corridor.

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30.06, special Y.E.S. event!!!

30.06, special Y.E.S. event!!!

AN END IS A NEW BEGINNING an event by Werkstatt team, 30.06

 The Werkstatt project has existed for two and a half years already!
During this time, it has hosted numerous artists providing them with a space to rehearse, create, and exchange; continues weekly movement workshops exposing the diversity of the dance scene in Frankfurt; open studio formats Y.E.S and series of events and workshops initiated by the scene.

Our reside in the Danzig Am Platz has come to an end, and it is not yet clear how and where the project will continue. Nevertheless, we are not giving up! An end is a new beginning. Therefore we would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the project together, to hear about your experiences, wishes, and needs, and at the same time, think together about what that new beginning can look like and what strategies we can implement as a community. And also to celebrate what we have achieved. 

We invite you to join us on the 30th of June from 6 p.m.! 

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Thursday workshop with Katja Cheraneva and Fabrice Mazliah, 29.06, 6:30 p.m.

Thursday workshop with Katja Cheraneva and Fabrice Mazliah, 29.06, 6:30 p.m.

Katja Cheraneva and Fabrice Mazliah have been collaborating for many years and working together in various constellations. In this workshop they will be sharing various working methods and movement strategies they have been developing together, in parallel, or in dialogue with each other. The class will be structured as a dialogue, bouncing and building on each other's propositions, a little bit like a surrealist game The Exquisite Corpse. 

This will also be the last workshop at the current location at Danzig am Platz, after which we will take a short break during the month of July with aim to restart the workshops in August at a new location at Alte Salerei.

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Thursday Workshop by Reclaiming Dance/Anno Bolende, 22.06, 6:30 p.m.

Thursday Workshop by Reclaiming Dance/Anno Bolende, 22.06, 6:30 p.m.

Was ist eine ~AMPLITUDE~? Eine Amplitude beschreibt den Abstand zweier
Punkte mit gleicher Frequenz im Raum zueinander.

In den Mixed Abled Tanzworkshops von Keiko und Anno von Reclaiming Dance
wird mit den Bildern der ~AMPLITUDE~ gearbeitet. Es geht um Punkte im
Raum, Bezugnahme auf andere Tänzer*innen, performative Exploration
unserer Frequenzen im Miteinander und in unserer Umgebung.

Im zweiten Training von Anno Bolender (22.6.) wird es um Deep Listening
Practices gehen, bei denen unsere Frequenz im Raum über Geräusche und
Resonanz mit unserer Umwelt vermittelt wird. Dieses Training ist auch
für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung geeignet.

Wir arbeiten improvisationsbasiert. Jede*rmensch ist willkommen, egal,
ob Du schon Tanzerfahrung hast, wie alt Du bist, welche Sprache Du
sprichst oder ob du eine Beeinträchtigung hast (oder nicht).

Mehr: http://reclaiming-dance.de/tanzen-fuer-alle/

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Y.E.S. with Petra Lehr and group

Y.E.S. with Petra Lehr and group

In the first part the group of people, I work with once a week, who come from many different backgrounds, will show three short examples of what we where working on.
In the second part I will present my research of working freelance as performer and dancer since the late 1970’s. It will be based on my own biography. It also contents the results of many interviews I made with dancers in the age between 26 and 75 and the changes in the freelance scene.

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Thursday Workshop by Reclaiming Dance/Keiko Schmitt, 15.06, 6:30 p.m.

Thursday Workshop by Reclaiming Dance/Keiko Schmitt, 15.06, 6:30 p.m.

Was ist eine ~AMPLITUDE~? Eine Amplitude beschreibt den Abstand zweier
Punkte mit gleicher Frequenz im Raum zueinander.

In den Mixed Abled Tanzworkshops von Keiko und Anno von Reclaiming Dance
wird mit den Bildern der ~AMPLITUDE~ gearbeitet. Es geht um Punkte im
Raum, Bezugnahme auf andere Tänzer*innen, performative Exploration
unserer Frequenzen im Miteinander und in unserer Umgebung.

Im ersten Training von Keiko Schmitt (15.6.) wird es um das Aushandeln
von Bedürfnissen nach Nähe und Distanz, Grenzen und Abständen gehen. Wie
achten wir aufeinander? Welche (Nicht-) Selbstverständlichkeiten bilden
sich dabei heraus?

Im zweiten Training von Anno Bolender (22.6.) wird es um Deep Listening
Practices gehen, bei denen unsere Frequenz im Raum über Geräusche und
Resonanz mit unserer Umwelt vermittelt wird. Dieses Training ist auch
für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung geeignet.

Wir arbeiten improvisationsbasiert. Jede*rmensch ist willkommen, egal,
ob Du schon Tanzerfahrung hast, wie alt Du bist, welche Sprache Du
sprichst oder ob du eine Beeinträchtigung hast (oder nicht).

Mehr: http://reclaiming-dance.de/tanzen-fuer-alle/

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Y.E.S. with Jodlklub

Y.E.S. with Jodlklub

Trying Lying
In the context of Y.E.S. we want to enter new physical and musical situations with and in
front of the audience, which we cannot try out in this way in normal situations of
performances and concerts. What happens to melody, rhythm and harmony, what happens
to our voices and bodies when the time axes shift and certain rules of music making are no
longer followed? How great is our common experience and memory to draw from it
spontaneously and without agreement and thus develop new tools. And: We want to sing.

The Jodlklub was founded in 2011 by Elisabeth Gabriel, Liese Lyon and Johanna Milz in Frankfurt.
Their common background is their Austrian roots. All three work in the theater: as director,
actress, dramaturg.
Jodlklub sings a capella: yodels and three-part songs from different regions of Austria.
Performances so far include the jazz club "Porgy & Bess" in Vienna, SCHIRN Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Kabinetttheater Vienna, MOMUK Museum of Modern Art Vienna, Museum für
Weltkulturen Frankfurt, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Yachtclub Frankfurt, Stromraum
Stuttgart, Hessischer Rundfunk, Theater Magdeburg, studio Naxos, as well as festivals and
exhibition openings.


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Thursday Workshop by Eslam Elnebishy 01.06, 6:30pm

Thursday Workshop by Eslam Elnebishy 01.06, 6:30pm

These 3 sessions will take the form of reflecting on some aspects of dance, each day will focus on one aspect and I will propose exercises to research, experience this aspect from different approaches/ angels with the goal to reach a kind of dance experience through this approach.

The first day we will be concerned with multi-directionality of the body, and how we can experience movement through that.  
The second session will focus on making sense through movement (not that we will aim to make sense) but to research this approach, and also to NOT make sense. 
The third day will focus on dealing with body parts, our own body parts and the body parts of other people, to go towards a kind of dance while being in contact.

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Thursday Workshop by Eslam Elnebishy 25.05, 6:30pm

Thursday Workshop by Eslam Elnebishy 25.05, 6:30pm

These 3 sessions will take the form of reflecting on some aspects of dance, each day will focus on one aspect and I will propose exercises to research, experience this aspect from different approaches/ angels with the goal to reach a kind of dance experience through this approach.

The first day we will be concerned with multi-directionality of the body, and how we can experience movement through that.  
The second session will focus on making sense through movement (not that we will aim to make sense) but to research this approach, and also to NOT make sense. 
The third day will focus on dealing with body parts, our own body parts and the body parts of other people, to go towards a kind of dance while being in contact.

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Physical Dance Journey – mit Fanni Schack und Ronja Eick 23.05, 7 p.m.

Physical Dance Journey – mit Fanni Schack und Ronja Eick 23.05, 7 p.m.

(DE) In der Klasse werden wir zu elektronischer Musik verschiedene Bewegungsqualitäten durch Improvisationsaufgaben erforschen. Wir laden zu einer Bewegungsreise von energetischen Bewegungsmustern, Kommunikation, Verrücktheit und Sanftheit ein.

Datum: 23.05.2023

Uhrzeit: 19:00-20:30

Dauer: 90min

Max. von 15 Teilnehmer*innen

Die Sprache wird nach Absprache mit den Teilnehmer*innen Vorort auf Englisch oder Deutsch sein.

Kurzbiografie von Fanni und Ronja

Fanni Schack ist eine ungarische Tänzerin, Lehrerin und Tanzpädagogin. Sie arbeitet mit diversen Zielgruppen um Selbstvertrauen und Sinn für Gemeinschaft durch Tanz zu fördern.

Ronja Eick ist Tänzerin und Musik und Tanzpädagogin. Sie beschäftigt sich mit Kommunikation und interdisziplinären Künsten.

Beide studierten den Master of Contemporary Dance Education an der HfMDK, Frankfurt.

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Workshop with Movement Sessions

Workshop with Movement Sessions

(DE) Diesmal bieten wir zwei Workshops an, einen für Kinder und einen für Erwachsene. Beide beschäftigen sich mit der Verbindung von Stimme und Bewegung. Geleitet werden die Workshops von Sandra und Magdalena. 

KIDS TANZWORKSHOP | 21.05, 10:30-12:30

Habt Ihr ein Lieblingstier?

In unserem nächsten Workshop arbeiten wir mit dem Motto "buntes Tierreich" und tauchen mit Euch gemeinsam in die spannende Welt der Geräusche und Bewegungen der verschiedenen Tiere ein.

Es gibt große und kleine, schnelle und langsame, laute und leise Tiere, die wir mit Euch erforschen und tänzerisch darstellen werden. Dabei beschäftigen wir uns auch mit den Tierstimmen und erarbeiten zusammen eine kleine Geschichte in der wir durch das Tierreich reisen um viele Abenteuer zu erleben! 

Seid Ihr schon gespannt? Dann kommt vorbei und bringt gerne eure Freundin oder Freunde mit.

WORKSHOP ERWACHSENE | 21.05, 13:00 - 15:00

Im Alltag kommt unser Körper vielseitig zum Einsatz, ebenso unsere Stimme 

Im kommenden Workshop entwickeln wir ein neues Gefühl zur bestehenden Verbindung zwischen Stimme und Körper. Wir beginnen mit einem Warm-up und erkunden danach gemeinsam den Raum von Stimme, Bewegung und Rhythmus. 

Mit angeleiteten Aufgaben erörtern wir die Möglichkeiten unsere Stimmen und den Körper bewusst wahrzunehmen und spielerisch einzusetzen. Wir arbeiten unter anderem mit einer kleinen Choreografie und Komposition, welche zur eigenen Kreativität einladen.

In diesem Workshop braucht es keine Vorkenntnisse! 

More information and registration: https://beacons.ai/movementsessions/infos

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Y.E.S. with Kemelo and Xdzunúm

Y.E.S. with Kemelo and Xdzunúm

Rhythm making!
How can we investigate the rhythms that exist within us corporeally, our heartbeat for example— and their connection to rhythms we hear every day: window screens unravelling, ambulance sirens, rustling leaves, our voices speaking. Replicating and reenacting rhythms could be dope and fun, no? In laughing? In crying?

Kemelo and Xdzunúm are at the beginning of their studies in the Choreography and Performance master’s program in Gießen. Recently, they enjoy and meet each other most clearly, when engaged in creating communal spaces for pointless free jamming and dancing.

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Thursday Workshop by Eslam Elnebishy, 18.05 6:30pm

Thursday Workshop by Eslam Elnebishy, 18.05 6:30pm

These 3 sessions will take the form of reflecting on some aspects of dance, each day will focus on one aspect and I will propose exercises to research, experience this aspect from different approaches/ angels with the goal to reach a kind of dance experience through this approach.

The first day we will be concerned with multi-directionality of the body, and how we can experience movement through that.  
The second session will focus on making sense through movement (not that we will aim to make sense) but to research this approach, and also to NOT make sense. 
The third day will focus on dealing with body parts, our own body parts and the body parts of other people, to go towards a kind of dance while being in contact.

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Thursday Workshop by Lukas Robitschko

Thursday Workshop by Lukas Robitschko

Groundmovement stands for horizon-broadening and creative movement on the ground. The special feature is the comprehensive application possibilities in different dance and movement styles. The "Groundmovement" program supports the individual movement horizon of enthusiasts of all kinds to expand, to build movements through qualitative and structured techniques, to promote personal creativity in a targeted manner and to enable free, concept-rich and fluid movement on the floor. Groundmovement is suitable for beginners, advanced and professionals. No dance experience is necessary for the beginner courses!

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Movement Sessions Workshop for kids!

We will move and dance, training musicality, body awareness, strength and creativity! 
We will do different exercises and creative games, as well as learn a cool choreography with elements of Modern dance and Hip-hop. 
Fun, active and interesting experience for your kid guaranteed 

11-12:30 - 3-6 years old 
13-14:30 - 8-12 years old

More information and the link for registration you'll find here:

 Website -  https://beacons.ai/movementsessions

 Registration - 


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Y.E.S. with Ronja Solveig Eick

Einvernehmlich tanzen
a research on consent in Contact Improvisation

Based on Ronja Solveig Eick's scientific research on consent in contemporary dance practices, three dancers address the following questions: What effect does a practice of consent have on contact dance? What does this have to do with performance? And what role do the spectators play in this?
Shown will be a sketch including results from the joint practical research, providing theoretical input from Ronja's scientific work and inviting the audience to actively participate in the performance.

Concept: Ronja Solveig Eick

Performer: Ronja Solveig Eick, Charlotte Hartz, Drew Mazyck

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Thursday Workshop by Lukas Robitschko

Thursday Workshop by Lukas Robitschko

Groundmovement stands for horizon-broadening and creative movement on the ground. The special feature is the comprehensive application possibilities in different dance and movement styles. The "Groundmovement" program supports the individual movement horizon of enthusiasts of all kinds to expand, to build movements through qualitative and structured techniques, to promote personal creativity in a targeted manner and to enable free, concept-rich and fluid movement on the floor. Groundmovement is suitable for beginners, advanced and professionals. No dance experience is necessary for the beginner courses!

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Contact Improvisation Jam

Focus: Consent in CI
For people with CI experience
Complementary to the performance Einvernehmlich tanzen on 05.05.23, we invite you to a CI Jam on Tuesday 02.05.2023 at the Werkstatt studio. In a common warm-up we will share fragments of our practice with you and invite you to take the focus - consent in dance - into the free jam.

The introduction will begin at 7:00PM. The jam will end at 9:00PM.

To establish a shared focus, it is important to be present for the introduction. The jam can be left at any time after that.
The jam will be accompanied by a video projection and live sound by the visual artist Nicolas Gebbe.

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Thursday Workshop by Lukas Robitschko

Thursday Workshop by Lukas Robitschko

Groundmovement stands for horizon-broadening and creative movement on the ground. The special feature is the comprehensive application possibilities in different dance and movement styles. The "Groundmovement" program supports the individual movement horizon of enthusiasts of all kinds to expand, to build movements through qualitative and structured techniques, to promote personal creativity in a targeted manner and to enable free, concept-rich and fluid movement on the floor. Groundmovement is suitable for beginners, advanced and professionals. No dance experience is necessary for the beginner courses!

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Y.E.S. with Sandra Domnick, Magdalena Dzeco and Kaya Otto

Scurill, Hilarous, Strange, and Funny probably describes the project "Eigentlich, aber..." ("Actually, but...") best. The performers Sandra Domnick Magdalena Dzeco and Kaya Otto invite you to observe various everyday situations together and perceive them from other perspectives.

It will actually be quite funny, maybe a bit comical - but above all one thing: a new experience: for all of us.

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Thursday Workshop by Silke Wiegand

Thursday Workshop by Silke Wiegand

Silke Wiegand is a choreographer and dance facilitator from Frankfurt, and will offer Open Source Forms (OSF), as part of her Teacher Training with Stephanie Skura. 

OSF is a somatic dance technique and deeply rooted in, and fluidly expanded from Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT). OSF is about cross-fertilizations and deep commonalities of SRT and creative process: shedding outer layers, finding primal energy, agility navigating subconscious realms, and imagery as powerful tool for transformation.

Please, bring warm clothes or layers of clothes.

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Thursday Workshop by Silke Wiegand

Thursday Workshop by Silke Wiegand

Silke Wiegand is a choreographer and dance facilitator from Frankfurt, and will offer Open Source Forms (OSF), as part of her Teacher Training with Stephanie Skura. 

OSF is a somatic dance technique and deeply rooted in, and fluidly expanded from Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT). OSF is about cross-fertilizations and deep commonalities of SRT and creative process: shedding outer layers, finding primal energy, agility navigating subconscious realms, and imagery as powerful tool for transformation.

Please, bring warm clothes or layers of clothes.

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Thursday Workshop by Silke Wiegand

Thursday Workshop by Silke Wiegand

Silke Wiegand is a choreographer and dance facilitator from Frankfurt, and will offer Open Source Forms (OSF), as part of her Teacher Training with Stephanie Skura. 

OSF is a somatic dance technique and deeply rooted in, and fluidly expanded from Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT). OSF is about cross-fertilizations and deep commonalities of SRT and creative process: shedding outer layers, finding primal energy, agility navigating subconscious realms, and imagery as powerful tool for transformation.

Please, bring warm clothes or layers of clothes.

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Thursday Workshop by Eri Geen

Thursday Workshop by Eri Geen

The body-self as space

This workshop is a sharing of my on-going research on “form” and “emptiness.”
Through guided improvisation, we will physically and somatically
explore the body-self as space, in search of one’s first person experience beyond the notion of “body” as is constructed. We will work toward an open, connected, free way of being.

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Thursday Workshop by Eri Geen

Thursday Workshop by Eri Geen

The body-self as space

This workshop is a sharing of my on-going research on “form” and “emptiness.”
Through guided improvisation, we will physically and somatically
explore the body-self as space, in search of one’s first person experience beyond the notion of “body” as is constructed. We will work toward an open, connected, free way of being.

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Y.E.S. with Katharina Gruber

Y.E.S. with Katharina Gruber

'A place of destination'

Inter-disciplinary origins such as combining visual art, movement theatre and the field of imagination. How to engage with a painting, exploration of tempos in a philosophical observation together and exploration as well as telling a story through a sensory perception. Exploring the realm of identification, class, status, memories, past and dreams. 

Katharina Gruber has worked over a decade in the fashion industry and has lived in many different places such as Paris, Spain and NYC. Her current place, where she feels to plant new seeds is a place around Frankfurt. In the past years, she has engaged further with her theatre studies as well as focusing on her art.

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Thursday Workshop by Viktorija Ilioska

Thursday Workshop by Viktorija Ilioska

This series of classes will explore a movement practice that is based on touch, pressure, weight transfer, and deep breathing scores. The practice works up from slow controlled movement transitioning into more dynamic physicality. Viktorija works on building and unbuilding body imagery while composing a collective body. Her interest for this class is to create a body that is imagined as a shelter and escape, with its presence producing a suspension of time, a delay, a period of rest and relief: "You touch yourself and I feel it because I see it." 

** the class is for free

** Henschelstrasse 18

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Movement Workshop by SphereCollective

On March 11 and 12, members of the SphereCollective will hold two movement workshops. On Saturday we go into the method of Shaking and find different ways of moving us with joy. On Sunday we explore our bodies and voices in its variety. The workshops are welcoming everyone with any backround. The doors are open at 10 am and the Workshop starts at 10.30 am. There will be a little break and it'll be finished at 2 pm. There is a small fee we ask of minimum 10€ per day per person.
If you are capable, feel free to add more!

The SphereCollective is a supportive non-hierachical network consisting of five women. These are dancers, performers, mothers, healers and more in several generations and from different countries.

Please contact : sphere.collective.berlin@gmail.com to reserve a slot.


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Movement Workshop by SphereCollective

On March 11 and 12, members of the SphereCollective will hold two movement workshops. On Saturday we go into the method of Shaking and find different ways of moving us with joy. On Sunday we explore our bodies and voices in its variety. The workshops are welcoming everyone with any backround. The doors are open at 10 am and the Workshop starts at 10.30 am. There will be a little break and it'll be finished at 2 pm. There is a small fee we ask of minimum 10€ per day per person.
If you are capable, feel free to add more!

The SphereCollective is a supportive non-hierachical network consisting of five women. These are dancers, performers, mothers, healers and more in several generations and from different countries.

Please contact : sphere.collective.berlin@gmail.com to reserve a slot.


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