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Tuesday Workshop by Amelia Uzategui Bonilla

Citing Peruvian dances from the African diaspora, this class invites movers to engage with their creative selves, moving to polyrhythmic music. These ancestral dances have the potential to source memory, feeling and sensation. Take this time to feel into your body, perhaps try-on a new dance language, be in community, and find your fun through your movement, your medicine.

Amelia Uzategui Bonilla was born in Lima, Peru. She has performed professionally since 2007 in the United States, South America, and Europe. They started choreographing in 2010, and learned with innovative artists, notably, Marina Abramović, Luís Antonio Vílchez, Anna Halprin, Cunamacue Afro-Peruvian Dance Theater, NAKA Dance Theater, and Nina Wise. Amelia is a graduate of Juilliard (BFA with Scholastic Distinction) and the HfMDK Frankfurt (MA CoDE). She is currently an associate professor at the HfMDK Frankfurt teaching contemporary dance technique and  co-artistic director of ID_Frankfurt's ID_Tanzhaus Frankfurt Rhein-Main.

April 12

Tuesday Workshop by Alessandra Corti

April 26

Tuesday Workshop by Amelia Uzategui Bonilla