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Lebendes Geld by Gabbi Cattani

Text: Lebendes Geld consists of a live slide show of tableaux vivants, loosely based on “La monnaie vivante”, 1971, by French author, translator, and artist Pierre Klossowski (1905-2001). Started as a collaboration with gay sex kino “Dr. Müller”, Frankfurt am Main, the project integrates both live performances and projected videos accompanied by a reading performance. 

A project by: Gabbi Cattani

Production: Leonie Chima Emeka

Dramaturgie and costumes: Nina Nadig

Video editing: Gabbi Cattani & Ben Livne-Weitzman

Sound design: Amos Cappuccio

With: Balthazar Heisch & Gabbi Cattani

Video performers: Filippo Aparo von Flüe, Gabbi Cattani, Maria Elisa Casati, Gianfranco Cattani, Balthazar Heisch, Frank Lamy, Amos Cappuccio, Octave Courtin

With the support of Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main (DE), Ateliers des Arques, Les Arques (FR), Mattatoio – Center for Performing Arts, Rome (IT), Centrale Fies, Dro (IT) and the technical support of Hochschule für Bildende Künste – Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main (DE) and Werkstatt, Frankfurt am Main (DE)

Thanks to Katja Cheraneva, Gerard Byrne, Arthur Stachurski, Ilaria Mancia, Paola Granato, Simone Frangi, Barbara Boninsegna, Dino Sommadossi, sexshop Dr. Müller.

December 1

Thursday Workshop by Laura Hicks

December 2

Y.E.S. with Verena Kutschera